Evolution of mineralising cells
in chondrichthyans

Tesseral mineralisation
Lamellar mineralisation

The endoskeleton of vertebrates is made of bone and cartilage. Chondrichthyans do not have true bone but display mineralisation patterns mainly on the cartilage surface. This project aims to characterise the mineralising cell types in chondrichthyans and to infer the evolutionary history of lamellar (bone-like) mineralisation identified in the neural arches of elasmobranchs. Besides, the histological approach allows differentiating subtle patterns in mineralised tissue organisation and questions the functional role of lamellar mineralisation that is only found in some elasmobranch species.

Methods: Histology & microCT scans

Related publication:

F. Berio, M. Broyon, S. Enault, N. Pirot, F. A. López-Romero & M. Debiais-Thibaud (2021). Diversity and Evolution of Mineralized Skeletal Tissues in Chondrichthyans. — Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 223. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fevo.2021.660767