Intraspecific tooth
shape variation

Scyliorhinus stellaris
Scyliorhinus stellaris teeth

Shark teeth undergo lifelong replacement. Tooth shape changes are known to be correlated to diet and behaviour (mostly related to reproduction) modifications during the life of a specimen.

This project aims to detail the tooth shape variation in Scyliorhinus stellaris (a phylogenetically close-related species to Scyliorhinus canicula):

  • Between females and males
  • Within specimens of different growth stages
  • Along the jaw of one specimen

By determining the principal axes of shape variation within this species, we aim to describe the mechanical constraints that induce the morphologies we observe.

Methods: microCT scans, 3D geometric morphometrics

Working with: Yann Bayle, Mélanie Debiais-Thibaud, Allowen Evin, Daniel Baum (on S. canicula), and Nicolas Goudemand

Related publications:

F. Berio, A. Evin, N. Goudemand & M. Debiais-Thibaud (2020). The intraspecific diversity of tooth morphology in the large-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus stellaris: insights into the ontogenetic cues driving sexual dimorphism. — Journal of Anatomy, 237(5), 960-978.

F. Berio & Y. Bayle (2020). Scyland3D: Processing 3D landmarks. — Journal of Open Source Software, 5(46), 1262.